St. John's Lutheran Church - Toluca, IL
St. John's Lutheran Church - Toluca, IL

All are Welcome.

We are pleased to have Pastor Mauricio Vieira serving as our Imterim Pastor.


He is staying here in Toluca at the parsonage most of the week and is in the office Monday - Thursday.


Pastor Mauricio is excited to be here and is doing his best to reach out and meet as many as he can.


With Many Blessings,
February newsletter
St. Johns February 2022 newsletter.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [793.5 KB]

Sunday Schedule: 

Worship 9:00 am 

Sunday School (all ages) 10:15am





Contact Us Today!

Sunday Worship - 9:00am

Sunday School - 10:15am


Pastor: Mauricio Vieira


St. John's Lutheran

200 North Hickory Street

Toluca, IL 61369


Office: 815.452.2266



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© David Gerjets